食品伙伴网讯 据美国食品安全新闻网消息,近日美国食品药品管理局对部分企业发布警告信,这包括一家乳企、一家海鲜工厂、两家膳食补充剂企业。
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently published warning letters issued to a dairy farm, a seafood company and two dietary supplement makers.
R Style Holsteins of Edison, OH, received a warning letter after selling a cow for slaughter that was considered adulterated because of unacceptable levels of drug residues in its liver.
The facility also failed to conduct at least one appropriate test or examination to verify the identity of any component that is a dietary ingredient prior to its use, according to the agency. One of the company's products was also considered misbranded because its label did not identify it with the term “dietary supplement” or include the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer or distributor.